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Do SAH Moms/Dads need to be paid for their work?

Posted by The Visitor மேல் மே 28, 2007

Thinking Girl, cites a report that if the jobs done by a Stay At Home Mom were to be paid at current rates, then the pay would be USD 138,085 a year.

A recent report estimates stay at home mothers are doing the work of 10 different jobs (housekeeper, cook, day care center teacher, laundry machine operator, van driver, facilities manager, janitor, computer operator, chief executive officer and psychologist), work on average a 92 hour week (that’s 52 hours of overtime), and all this work, if it was paid, would be worth $138,095 USD a year. Women who work outside the home full-time would be paid an extra $85,939 for their domestic labour.

Some comments following the post argue, why such a valuation would be incorrect.

But if you really want to get right into the economics of it, where you have a couple living together and one of those two people stays home, the stay-at-home parent IS paid, in essence, room, board, and 1/2 (or more) of the salary of the working partner. I’ve seen previous economic studies which show that in such situations, often over 50% of the income is spent at the direction or discretion of the stay-at-home parent. So, in essence, they are paid, though it is by the only party who would have a stake/reason to pay them – the other parent of the child.

The discussion in the comments is an exercise in dialectics, pretty lengthy and sometimes one gets weary just reading them till the end. (I still have to complete reading it).

ஒரு பதில் to “Do SAH Moms/Dads need to be paid for their work?”

  1. vishesh said

    tell you what if mom’s demand that salary then there is no use being humans……anyway
    i know they won’t….because
    we love them and they us…………….

vishesh -க்கு பதில் அளிக்கவும் மறுமொழியை நிராகரி