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Mommy blogs and internet security

Posted by Premalatha மேல் திசெம்பர் 5, 2007

– You take up a blog-name, call your kids bubble-gum, laddu, jaangiri, what not, to keep their identities private, but paste their pictures all over the blog and in every post.

A very heated discussion. Followed in the comment section too.

Ceekay’s take on this issue,

is thought provoking yet very irritating for the “better than thou” attitude it projects.

Poppin’s Mom’s take:

I’m proud to be a mommy blogger. This is a mommy blog and this is the identity you’ll be seeing here. To be called Poppin’s Mom. Yes my identity begins and ends with my baby. I don’t have a life. I don’t give a damn what you think. So will you please leave us alone to our mushiness, nobody asked you to join the party!

Inbavalli asks a question,

 Just imagine somebody actually DOING it with our kids’ pics. Pretty horrifying. So what if we never get to know about it. Isn’t the very idea sickening?

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